Many jobs are so intricate that they can only be carried out with the appropriate magnification. Electronics hobbyists, stamp and coin collectors, watchmakers and other filigree technicians, for example, prefer to use magnifying lamps, which not only provide the necessary magnification, but also the ideal lighting. The most practical option is a magnifying lamp with an articulated arm, clamp mount or stand. This magnifying lamp allows you to work with both hands and, with the right number of dioptres and size, provides the ideal view through and above. The magnifying lamp can be fitted with a compact fluorescent tube, as these are available in different light temperatures and - which is often very important - also as a daylight lamp.
As magnifying lamps are required for precise work from all angles, their frames should be as flexible as possible and yet stable. Many models are clamped to the desk or workbench using a clamping foot and can be used in other locations thanks to this type of mounting. The arm of a magnifying lamp must be articulated. Joints that allow movement in three dimensions are ideal: turning, swivelling and tilting. This is the only way to align the magnifying glass and the light to the object to be worked on as required. For particularly mobile use, there are also so-called hand-held illuminated magnifiers, which can be used quickly anywhere thanks to their battery operation and handy size.
An important task of the light source in a magnifying lamp is to provide high-contrast illumination of the field of view, preferably with a high depth of field. Most high-priced models today are already powered by LEDs. For many jobs, a light temperature in the daylight white range (4,900-6,800 Kelvin) is advantageous. However, magnifier lights are also available with a lower light temperature and therefore in the light colours universal white and warm white. To do justice to the round shape of the lens and therefore also the round field of view, many magnifier lights are equipped with a ring illuminant, which enables the object to be illuminated evenly from all sides.\ The lenses of the magnifying lamps are fitted with different dioptres depending on the equipment and therefore provide different levels of magnification. As far as the lens material is concerned, there are two options: Acrylic lens or glass lens. In high-quality magnifier lights, you are very likely to find the somewhat more durable and scratch-resistant glass lenses.
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The strike-through prices correspond to the manufacturer's RRP.
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