In winter, when it's icy, cold and frosty, fairy lights for outside have a very special charm. The glow of the fairy lights outside is reflected in the snow and ice. The fairy lights outside create an enchanted, glittering ice landscape that can appear somewhat unreal. The fairy lights outside contribute to this effect when they find their place on snow-covered bushes and trees. This also applies to snow-covered sculptures, vessels or perhaps a bench with a string of lights wrapped around the outside. All these things appear enchanted when they are decoratively emphasised by a string of outdoor lights. This proves that even the cold winter exerts a great fascination. Outside the front door or when looking out of the window, you'll be particularly pleased to see little rays of light and highlights in the form of fairy lights outside.
Even the terrace does not have to remain completely unused in winter. If the outside area is already so beautifully decorated with fairy lights and other decorations, you can also admire the fairy lights outside from close up. Wrapped up cosily in blankets, scarves and gloves, you can enjoy mulled wine, winter biscuits and hot tea with friends in the fresh air - with the fairy lights outside always in view. When using outdoor fairy lights, you should also keep an eye on the protection rating of the respective fairy lights. From IP 44, the light chain is splash-proof outside and has protection against foreign bodies larger than one millimetre. A string of lights for outdoors can also be used indoors. This does not work the other way round!
The strike-through prices correspond to the manufacturer's RRP.
All prices include 20% VAT, delivery costs excluded.